Gloucestershire Humanists is delighted to provide speakers for schools who would like their pupils to learn more about humanism and meet ‘real life’ humanists. Most of our representatives have been trained by Humanists UK’s school speakers training, and all are comfortable speaking to a range of audiences.
Between us we have spoken at a large number of Gloucestershire primary, secondary and special schools to support Religious Education, Sociology, Citizenship and PSHE lessons. We are also happy to conduct school assemblies either in person or online. We always find pupils’ questions thought-provoking and stimulating.

One teacher recently wrote to thank us for such a visiting saying:
“There is really no experience for the students better than meeting people who can speak from personal experience about a particular set of beliefs or philosophy and describe how it affects their lives. The students have told me again this year how much they enjoyed and valued their time with you….Your answers were very interesting to them. They appreciate the depth of answer and are encouraged to ask more questions if they can see that their queries are being taken seriously and thought carefully about, which of course the two of you do.”
Please contact us if you’d like to know more.