Our membership year runs from 1st March until the end of February. ( If you join after November, your membership will be extended until the following year).
To join or renew your membership:
- Download our 2020-21 membership form
- Complete the form and get it to us either by post, email or in person at a meeting.
- Pay by bank transfer – details on the form, cheque (payable to Gloucestershire Humanists) or by cash at a meeting.
- Our preferred method of payment is BACS. If you do this, please also email us a completed membership form – even for renewing members – and let us know you have transferred the fee.
Bank details are: Sort Code 40-17-10, account 62334348
We offer three types of membership:
- Full – for one person – £15
- Joint – two people at the same address – £20
- Concessionary – £5. e.g. student, unwaged. (Please contact us with any queries).
Membership entitles you to vote at our AGM and a reduced donation at our monthly meetings.
We process all personal data in line with GDPR and data protection regulations. Our privacy statement can be read here but in brief, only committee members have access to information we hold about members which we collect for the express purpose of keeping members and supporters up to date with the activities of the group.
If you want to find out more about us before deciding whether to join then you can join our mailing list as a supporter for up to two years.